…the goa constirctor… is excited for ZNA!…
Genre: Super Duper Goa Trance
Download/Stream Audio: goaconstrictor-ExcitedForZNA.mp3
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/goaconstrictor/the-goa-constrictor-is-excited-for-zna
Mixcloud: mixcloud.com/goaconstrictor/the-goa-constrictor-is-excited-for-zna
Hearthis: hearthis.at/goaconstrictor/thegoaconstrictor-excitedforzna/
…so there’s this festival next summer and I’m super excited for it. It’s called ZNA Gathering and the line-up is quite proper. While I know not all of these songs are gonna get played, I did want to make a mix highlighting the artists who’ll be performing; so this mix has music from the first 21 announced artists performing next summer.
The mix starts off a bit mellow before catching its full-on Goa power, spirals into psychedelic chaos, and back into a solid groove of the cosmos of spacetime.
Tracks from: Astral Projection, Atmos, Domino, GMS / Systembusters, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Koxbox, Man With No Name, ManMadeMan, Mark Allen, MFG, Noosphere, Quirk, Ray Castle, S>Range, Shaolin Wooden Men, Shpongle, Total Eclipse, Tristan, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Ubar Tmar, Vibrasphere
…is it August 2019 yet?
Questions? Email: goa[at]goaconstrictor[dot]com
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