…To the Firestarter in the Sky…
Genre: RIP Punkin’ Instigator
Direct Download and Audio Stream: goaconstrictor-firestarterinthesky.mp3
Hearthis: hearthis.at/goaconstrictor/goaconstrictor-firestarterinthesky
Mixcloud (doesn’t work in the USA): mixcloud.com/goaconstrictor/to-the-firestarter-in-the-sky
Not sure when you’re reading this but, in 2019, Keith Flint of The Prodigy took his own life. While the music of The Prodigy was always the product of mastermind Liam Howlett, the first two, and the fourth, albums didn’t include any vocals from Keith; he was always a part of the show and I’m sure he was an influence with how Liam wrote too.
They were considered Electronic Punks for a reason. They gave no fucks about giving fucks. They dressed how they wanted. Wrote the music they wanted without regard to what the popular culture, nor their fans, were expecting from them.
While their catalog was inconsistent to my tastes, every album had strong moments and some albums were brilliant through and through. Their imprint unto the world of music can’t be overstated and it will be interesting to see how Liam, and Maxim, proceed from here. Liam will always be The Prodigy, but as their music evolved over the years, they really became a product of the three of them.
Seeing The Prodigy live at a festival in northern Scotland in 2009 was a highlight of my concert going life. Their live show was a fierceness I have rarely seen in a band and I was always hoping to get another chance to see them again.
When news broke that Keith had died, a friend asked if I would put together a remembrance mix; so I did. I tried to capture an even spread of music from the different albums. I didn’t solely focus on Keith vocal tracks, as to do that would reduce the available tracks by a large amount; I did try to capture his energy and spirit throughout though.
If, for any reason, you really never listened to The Prodigy before, give this a spin. Hopefully you’ll get a bit of the spirit of the band throughout. If you love The Prodigy, hopefully this will be a nice little compilation of tracks to add to your collection.
Lastly, if you’re depressed, feeling lost in the world, or considering the same fate as Keith did, know that you are not alone and I encourage you to reach out for help. Help is out there and the pain can be temporary. You are loved, as was Keith…
RIP Punkin’ Instagator
To the Firestarter in the Sky…
Questions? Email: goa[at]goaconstrictor[dot]com
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