Genre: Psyper Psylly Psynny Psypiritual Psychedelic Psymething
Some days you wake up and wish upon a star
Some days you don’t even know who you are are, how you are, or why you are
But you know that you are what you are
For better or for worse, you are you.
Some days simply fall into place
Some days you see the color that surrounds you
Some days you are Rocky and you reach the top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Other days all you can see are the clouds forming up above.
When creating a rainbow, there sure can be a lot of murkiness
Like life, creating a rainbow isn’t all about the pretty colors
You need some of that nasty rain for the process to be complete
But you need some of that sunny sun too.
It’s kind of a dance that nature does with itself
Toss those two ingredients together and you’ll get a wonderful arc of magic
Sometimes something even far more special is at work though
Sometimes the world just isn’t going to stop at one rainbow
Hell NO!
Sometimes life gives you a double rainbow!
This mix is made for those days where you need some inspiration
Those days that you are focusing too much on the rain clouds
Those days that you are missing the rainbow in front of your face
Those days that you don’t even notice that life isn’t even a single rainbow…
No, life is a double rainbow!
So, take a deep breath and smile
Appreciate the layers, colors, and textures of it all
Life gets better once you stop focusing on those rain clouds and notice the glory
The glory of life’s DOUBLE RAINBOW!
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Questions? Email: goa[at]goaconstrictor[dot]com
No added psugars.
No added psalts.
100% free range, cage free, organic Psychedelic.
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