Artist: Eraser vs. Yöjalka
Album: Virtuosi Di Quosi
Record Label: Faerie Dragon
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And the great EvsY are back with another rockin’ album of uptempo insane dance music.
If memory serves, this is album 4 from this duo and it is as slamming, funky, bouncy, and danceable as the rest of their catalog.
I’m currently hanging out in the lovely (lol) Philadelphia airport and have a few hours to kill before my connecting flight. While sitting here, I decided to finally give this album a listen and try to bust out a review. We’ll see if I can manage to do this. I think I need a drink. LoL.
If you’re familiar with previous Eraser vs. Yöjalka albums and tracks, you have a good idea of what to expect. If you are not familiar with their previous albums, you should fix that. Also, here is what to expect: quick snappy pacing and tempos, nice nice nice bass lines, melodies that are sometimes super cheesy and stringy, other times more subtle and in the back of the mix, percussion that skips and frolics about, and an overall sense of warming, unusual and complex psychedelia.
In a lot of ways, this is the perfect soundtrack for sitting at this airport, in this weird rocking chair, while watching everyone pass by. Everyone is on a mission to go somewhere and a good number of them are walking with a sense of purpose. Most are happy, some are confused, a few seem tired and burnt out. Kind of like this album. It is happy and upbeat, but fast and confusing. It can exhaust you at times, but the exhaustion is a good exhaustion, as it is an exhaustion founded upon travels and journeys and new experiences.
While this album feels like a proper Eraser vs. Yöjalka album, it doesn’t feel rehashed or uninspired. This isn’t cookie-cutter GMS psychedelic trance music. This album feels as if it were written with a very specific purpose in mind. That of making you sweat. Preferably in a forest. I kind of wish I was still at **GO4 P4RTY 4** right now, as that would be a great place to be blasting this album. Instead I am simply in this airport. With shitty headphones on. If this album is this massive sounding on these headphones, it will be even more massive on a real sound system. Hells yeahs.
So that’s about it.
This album rules. It has nicely kept me company while killing many hours at an airport and I can’t wait to listen to it when at a place I am allowed to dance at too.