Genre: Piechedelic Goa Trance!
Direct Download/Stream: goaconstrictor-catharsisnt.mp3
Third Party Streams: Hearthis / Mixcloud / Soundcloud
Video Download: 720HD.mp4 / 540(?D).mp4
CATHARSISN’T was born of the ashes of the annual Catharsis event which ended a few years back. Since people can’t hang out together in large groups right now and everything has turned to online streaming events, the organizers of Catharsis thought this would be a good way to throw a party without having to carry speakers into a forest. Can’t blame them for this motivation.
I’ve been paying attention to these streaming events for a few months now and I’ve felt there’s been a distinctive style for the performances. This isn’t bad per se, but I also felt this was a good opportunity to teach myself some simple video editing skills and try to give my set a bit of pizzazz.
I learned a lot while making this. Story boarding is hugely beneficial. Figuring out what your footage is before you start editing is also smart. All in all, I think this was a very successful first attempt at video making and I look forward to trying this again at some point.
The music is a collection of some of my favorite jams of this summer. The music I wish I could be hearing outside while dancing under the sky, in the shade of trees, with fresh air filling the lungs. Maybe we’ll have the opportunity again someday. Maybe we’ll be stuck inside for longer than expected (the 600+ AQI on the west coast during the weekend of this event would be preventing any congregation from happening regardless of a pandemic anyway).
Whether something is or isn’t, that’s a bit in the mind of the beholder.
One who experiences, can be.
I’m just gonna keep finding moments of catharsis by working on my lattice skills…
Much love!
Questions? Email: goa[at]goaconstrictor[dot]com
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